Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nicaragua: Monday and Tuesday

Today was our first experience with doing official mission work and we could not wait to get started! Our team broke up into three different groups. One group went to work at a day care type place for developmentally challenged people of all ages. Another group went with something called "The Mobile Library". This group went around to local schools and dropped off books for them to read and played with the students. My group went to a local restaurant across the street from our hotel and worked one on one with the waiters by teaching them basic English terms so they can better communicate with the tourist customers. It was fun to work with the waiters because they were close with us in age, but it was also very difficult because some of our partners (including mine) did not know how to communicate very well in English. I can't speak Spanish; he can't speak English. To put it lightly, our communication barrier put a slight damper on our lesson, but we soon got the hang of using hand motions, smiles, and stick figure pictures to be able to ultimately teach each other our native languages. I don't know that I am qualified to teach a Spanish speaking teenager the english language, but I tried my best and had a blast doing it!

After our morning mission was finished we had two hours to rest and get lunch before we all came back together and went to "Carizal". This is a school that teaches English to local children. It runs from 2pm-4pm and only focuses on teaching English. I am not positive of the schooling system here, but to me it seems like the school aged children go to regular school until noon, and they have the opportunity to go to English school in the afternoon. It seemed voluntary because it was so laid back, but it seems like they highly recommend people to attend. The English school had age ranges from about 3-22. I hope to be able to learn more about their school system in the next few days so I can have a better understanding of what the children do on a regular basis.

Working with the children is such an awesome experience. They are so loving and fun to be around. It doesn't bother them that you had just met a few minutes ago, they will still be grabbing your hand to play with them, giving you the biggest hugs, and kissing your cheek when you have to leave them. They are so thankful for all of the time that you spend with them, and I am equally as thankful for the time they spend with me. The memories I am making here will never leave my head and I am so thankful for it all.

Tuesday: today was day two of missions. Our team stayed in our groups, but switched what mission we were involved in. Today my group went with the "Mobile Biblioteca". We were picked up from the hotel at 7:45am and were on to the first school by 8am. The mobile library goes around to each school, about 33 in total. The schools get a stop from the library about once a month. Today we visited three schools. While at a school we read "The hungry caterpillar". It happens to be one of my favorite childhood books, but this book was in Spanish. The leader of the mobile library had us read to the children. Hahah this was a FUNNY experience, that's for sure! None of us speak good Spanish and we especially can't read it well. The children laughed at us and kept correcting our speech, but we tried our best! After reading the book we helped the kids do a craft and played a few games while everyone was getting their chance to trade in their library books. I spent a lot of time at one school playing baseball with two 5 year olds who could hit the wiffle ball all over the field. I tried hitting against them and failed miserably...the little boys laughed at my attempt and called me a "gringo". All those years of softball didn't pay off, I must have been nervous! :) I had a really great time with the kids and am always so happy to spend time with their bright smiling faces!

We returned to the hotel at 12:30pm and had an hour to eat before we left for our afternoon activity: zip lining. We took a canopy tour over the beautiful trees on the mountain side of San Juan Del Sur. It was definitely a scary experience to have your life in the hands of a simple pulley system and a wire hundreds of feet above many, many trees. We all had to get strapped into some pretty uncomfortable harnesses and came down the mountain in 17 stops zipping from line to line. We could hear the call of wild monkey's, but unfortunately none came into sight in the attempts of hitching a ride with us...bummer! I felt like a real George(ette) of the Jungle. Such an incredible experience!

Our night concluded with some pool time and dinner, along with our favorite ice cream shop right up the street. We are enjoying our last night in San Juan Del Sur before we head to Granada tomorrow morning. We will miss staying across the street from the beach, but I am very excited to see what the rest of the trip has to offer.

Keep the prayers coming! Many x's and o's to my family and friends and I will blog again soon!

Location:San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua

Monday, August 8, 2011

Annoying technology

I had a really great blog written for the past two days. And it was super funny and witty (just like myself). But unfortunately the power went out a few times at our hotel today, apparently that's pretty normal, and when I went to post my blog it all messed up and now I can't find it anywhere...super bummer. So I don't have the energy to write the whole thing again but I will give you the website of journal entries that our team has been writing each day. It won't be a totally personal blog, but it'll give you an idea of what happened Saturday and Sunday. And I promise I will blog tomorrow.

To read about Saturday and Sunday please see our athletic website. www.abbeyathletics.com

Location:San Juan Del Sur

Saturday, August 6, 2011

First blog from Nicaragua!!

Well, day one is in the books! Traveling went great. Our first flight from charlotte to Atlanta was quick. Only about 30 minutes. Unfortunately there were five of us (myself included, of course!) that had to check our carry on bag because they ran out of room in the plane...this of course caused a scene because we didn't want to agree to check our bags without the permission of our coach and head honcho of our trip who happened to already be on the plane. While the stewardess was giving us false information about where we would get our bags back, we were being reminded of the fact that we were holding up the whole plane ride...thanks mrs stewardess, you're making our flight so friendly and comfortable! After the baggage situation was figured out, all other flights went perfectly! It was an extremely long day of traveling and I could not wait to land in Managua. I left my house in Greenville,NC at 9:00am and arrived in Nicaragua at 1:00am their time...which is 3:00am our time in the states. LONG DAY! When we arrived at our hotel I was too excited to sleep. We had a 7:45am wake up call and probably didn't even go to bed until 4:00am....and I was awake at 6:00am tossing and turning. A solid two hours of sleep. Great!

Day one: 7:45am wake up call. We ate breakfast, and packed all 23ish people into a van/bus and got on the road to our first match. We passed very humbling "houses" and "jobs" on the ride. This was our first look at the huge amount of poverty in this country. Our awesome tour guide and leader of "bring it sports" gave us a lot of background on the country's government and the big revolution they had in the 70s and the devastating earthquake that occurred in '79 that still has proof of it's effects. We stopped at a cathedral on our way to our match, it was very beautiful, but was partially ruined in the earthquake and has never been restored. While outside observing the building we had many natives trying to sell us things to make a few extra bucks. We found out quickly that our most used phrase for this trip will be "No gracious".

We finally arrived at our game and played 4 games verses the Nicaraguan national team. For our first time touching a volleyball in a very long time for some of us, we didn't play as bad as I was expecting! It was a good first game and it was a blast to finally be out on the court with all the girls again! we had a pretty good crowd of natives come watch our game and we eventually had a big following of boys calling us "Bonita"!! They were quite the charmers. I even had an admirer just for myself! Soprano, a teenage boy came up to my assistant coach brian after our match and asked if he could take a picture with me. Just me. I was honored! And he was quite cute to make it even better :) After I took the picture (sweaty and all) I introduced myself and he shook my hand and kissed me on the cheek. THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! Sorry mom and dad, I think I'll be moving to Nicaragua to be with my future husband. :) First I'll have to learn a little bit of Spanish!

After our match we drove a long way...or at least it seemed like a long way since there are no interstates and the top speed limit is about 45mph. At about 4pm we arrived in San Juan Del Sur. We will be staying here for the next five days. We spent the afternoon at the beach and had dinner as a group. We are all very exhausted and still getting used to the time difference, both timezone-wise and Nicaraguan culture-wise. We are all safe and having the times of our lives. I can't wait to see what the next 6 days has to offer! Please keep us all in your prayers!

Ps....pictures will come later. I can't figure out how to upload them onto my blog from my iPod. Sorry for the disappointment!

Location:San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua

Monday, August 1, 2011

Practice blog from my iPod

Well, the big trip to nicaraguara is almost here! I will be leaving from the Charlotte airport Thursday afternoon! Since we are required to pack veryyyyyy light for this out of the country trip, I'm not able to bring my laptop...not that I would want to carry that heavy thing everywhere I go! So in order to keep all my friends and family updated on this trip of a lifetime I am about to take, I downloaded an app to my iPod that will allow me to update me blog! Now, this will depend on if I can connect to a wireless Internet, but we are staying in a few big cities, so my hopes are high! If I am unable to update my blog while in route, it will be fully updated with pictures and many memories for you all to enjoy within a few days of my return.

Well, I still have a LOT of packing to get done, so I hope this test iPod post works as I need it to and I don't have to worry about finding a computer at the hotel.

Please pray for the safety of my team while we give up a week of our summer to serve others!

Location:Sumrell St,Greenville,United States

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Corn Hole is Complete!

Here it is! The finished product that is perfect for a back yard game, and also shows off our nationality proud! :) I hope this new set brings me luck and I can continue my corn hole domination! Bringggg ittttt onnnnnnnn!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Beach Preparations

In just five short days I will be living my life in a bathing suit and soaking up as many rays of sun as possible  (don't worry, i'll wear sunscreen!) all while not thinking about the real world and just living in the moment with 20 or so good friends and family. It will be perfection.

But before we can head two hours east and end up in Duck, North Carolina, a small town in the Outer Banks, there are many preparations to be done. First and most hard for myself, I need to pack. I am an overpacker. I will admit it! On any normal trip I take with my family my bag usually equals the size of the parents joint bag. I can't help it. I don't know what mood I'll be in, or what the weather will be, or what outfit will be appropriate for each occasion. I need my options! On this week long vacation I am really going to try my best to plan out what to pack and to not back my whole summer wardrobe for one week on the beach. I realize that my bathing suits will be my main attire for the seven days we are on vacation, so I am really going to try my hardest to keep my outfit choices to a minimum.

In other preparations: Corn Hole. My favorite backyard game! When we lived in Erie my dad made a corn hole set that was able to be folded up and perfect for travel. Unfortunately the game was not able to make the move to the south and we left the set with our family friends. Everyone knows that it's not a beach trip without corn hole, so my dad and I spent what seemed like all day saturday and sunday constructing and painting a beautiful new corn hole set. It was great father-daughter bonding time! I did a lot of watching, and provided great moral support. Dad did let me try out a few of the power tools, but after a few minutes he realized that he could complete the job in a much more timely manner. Although my duties in the assembly of corn hole were not obvious to the eye, I was right there with my dad sweating our buts off in the sweltering heat of Greenville, NC, making multiple trip to the various hardware stores, and jamming music from my car for the whole neighborhood to hear to keep us entertained! With just a few final touches to the Italian paint theme, our master pieces will be complete and ready to be enjoyed on our vacation.

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Constant State of Being Sore

Summer workouts, fall season, off season conditioning, spring season. My collegiate volleyball career seems to always keep me in a constant state of being sore. Most of this is thanks to my wonderful coach who I love, but who also always changes our workouts every Monday. While this is great for getting my body into tip-top shape, it's killerrrrr for my muscles. I always seems to be sore! For example, our summer volleyball workouts started this week and I was expecting to be a little sore since for the first week of summer I was having fun and doing workout video's rather than hitting the weights hard. My soreness exceeded my expectations! The day after my first official workout I could barely sit down on the toilet! It was rough; and, I know that this soreness will only continue for the next two years of my life...and I wouldn't have it any other way!

While being sore is at times annoying, it also gives me a secret feeling of accomplishment. I know that I worked hard in the gym the day before, and while my body might not be able to be pushed as hard today as it was yesterday, I know I'm working all the right muscles and will soon see the results of that! What would be scary is the day that I do a workout and am not sore after accomplishing it. That only means that I did not push myself as hard as I should have!

All the sweat (lotssss of it!), all the sore muscles, and all the days that I would have much rather spent laying in bed rather than dragging myself to the gym is all for my love of volleyball. I am very blessed to have had the opportunity to play the sport I fell in love with in the 7th grade still, now at age 20. While my mother says I should focus more on school work (I got all A's this semester, by the way! she has no reason to worry..) my true passion in life is playing volleyball for the Belmont Abbey College Crusaders. My teammates are some of the best girls I have ever met in my life and they have become my true sisters. Every time my body is screaming at me to quit and I have thoughts of just skipping out on a few sets I think of all 17 of my sisters and I know that they are pushing themselves just as hard as I am pushing myself. We all have a common goal and work as hard as we can to be in the best shape to accomplish it come fall. I can't thank them enough for being the pushing force I need when all I fee like is a giant blob of nothingness.
I cannot explain my excitement for this next season in any other way then this......AHHHHHHEKKKKKYAYYYYEKAOWA[FOIEJAF JEIOA[WORIJMVJFIEOPOUHNVGHREO[FJIOOOO!!!!!!!! Yes, I am VERY excited! :)

The Juniors <3 My Instant Best Friends!

My Ultimate Support System

(Please excuse the awkward garden backgrounds...my coach is an art major, she doesn't prefer the normal gym or volleyball net background, thus the garden! :) )

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Technical Difficulities.

Blogspot didn't let me upload pictures of me and my German friend last night...so here they are! :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My German Friend.

I've come down with a bit of a head cold. Since my head is filled with nasty things like boogies and mucus and all that good stuff I am in a state of writing block. So this will be pretty short...

I just got back home today from visiting my friend Dorothea who is taking summer classes at school. She is not only one of my good friends, but she will also be one of my roommates next year! YAYYYY!! She is from Munich, Germany and she is awesome! :) We had a great time this weekend going to the beach and having some quality girl time.

Today is also her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOROTHEA!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stumble! addict.

It's finally summer! The three months people wait all year for. I would be just as excited as the normal college student if I spent my summer in Erie, PA with all my high school friends, but instead I am in Greenville, NC. I don't know anyone that lives here except for my Aunt Betty and Uncle Bill. I love them, but they're no one to go to the beach with, or shop all day like an almost 20 year old should be doing. I am currently unemployed and pounding the pavement for any type of job I can get. The rest of my day is spent doing a Jillian Michael's workout video (she's awesomeeeee!), watching a lot of reality TV on garbage channels such as MTV, TLC, and Bravo, and my newest hobby, using Stumble Upon! 

In my stumble setting I have many things tagged as my interests. One of them is crafts. This has given me manyyyyy ideas for my apartment next year with Angela, Kayleigh, and Dorthea!! SOOOO EXCITEDDD!! :)) Another interest I have tagged is videos. I have never been much of a YouTube watcher, because frankly, I think most of the video's on there are stupid. But I have stumbled some VERY cute and funny videos these past days and I am here to share them with you! ENJOY :)

A very cute wedding proposal can be seen here....

And a very funny and cute baby can be seen here...

My blog posts are few and far between now a days, but this is because I do not have a lot going on here in Greenville, so in the next few weeks and I hopefully find a job and explore the city a little more, I will keep you posted!! But until then, I'll just share some useless crap I find on the internet. :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Act like a 12 year old sometimes...it's only healthy!

As I approach my 20th year in existence I've been examining my life more and more.  I am half way done with college. Two more years until I am shoved into the real world and the one constant that has helped me to get through anything and everything, volleyball, will be over....for good! While those thoughts are enough to make me have a mental breakdown, buy out the whole chocolate section in Walmart, and Red Box the most sappy chick flick available, it's a reality that I will have to deal with so very soon!

But, I prefer to focus my time on lighter subjects in life, like what happened on the Real World: Las Vegas last night, or how gorgeous the Royal Wedding will be tomorrow. Anyone that has spend at least five minutes in my presence has more than likely realized that I love to crack jokes. Good ones, bad ones, horrible ones...doesn't matter! I will do ANYTHING to make someone laugh. Laughing is my favorite thing to do! And what makes laughing even better is laughing with someone else! (let's get real, people give some serious dirty looks when there is only one person in a group laughing. that's just fact!) During one of the great conversations that my friends and I had at the Caf during lunch we talked about acting like a silly and carefree 12 year old. While we would not reccomend this as an all day, everyday lifestyle, we all agreed that acting like a kid who doesn't care about what others think, messes around and cracks jokes, isn't thinking about how much homework they have to finish or how stressful their life is, and just has some genuine, carefree fun is the BEST THING EVER! Talk about a stress releiver. Even if it is just for a few moments, those moments will be the memories you will never forget. Around campus I saw a sign that read "You can always retake a class, but you can never relive a party." While I don't fully agree with having so much fun that you're forced to retake classes (that's a LOT of wasted money!), I do agree with scheduling out your time in order to leave some space for goofing-off and acting like a kid. You're never too old to let loose and dig into your inner child.

I know that someday I will have to grow up and become more responsible, but I hope I never loose my inner child. I plan on being 98 years old, living in a nursing home, and still cracking jokes to all the toothless old people around me! YOUNG AT HEART <3

*Special thanks to Sydney Dunavin: my #1 blog supporter. And for being a part of the Caf conversation I explained above (along with Kay and Rem).  And another special thanks to Trey Ennis who said that after reading the first line of my previous post he was not impressed and decided not to read the rest...I hope I jazzed this one up a bit for you!

Just some funny pictures of me and my friends. They make me laugh...if they make you laugh, that's great too!! :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Currently Living in the Best Years of My Life

This past week my suite at school had the joy of hosting Mrs. Jubb (my roommate's mom).  Because Angela had surgery on her torn labrum Mrs. Jubb came to stay with us to help nurse sweet Angela back to health. Besides having a loving mother figure in the suite for a few days, something we aren't normally used to in a college dorm, Mrs.Jubb is a great talker and a great listener! We can always count on her to keep the conversation going with some great words of wisdom. It is a true skill!

A normal night for suite107 consists of some late night girl-talk. Almost nightly when we are all finished with our homework, relaxed for a little while, and right before we get ready for bed us girls get together, chat about our day, complain about the male gender, our classes, and think about the great things that tomorrow will bring! There is always a guarantee of laughing until our stomach hurts, giving each other the best advice about life, and occasionally we even give each other manicures if we had a realllll bad day. (some real girly stuff, of course!) One time this past week when we were having our nightly chat Mrs. Jubb peeked her head in the door, said "You know, you girls are in the best years of your life!", and then walked out into the other room. While it was only a few words of great wisdom, it got me thinking...

We really ARE in the best years of our lives! When will we ever get the chance to live with our best friends, have all day to attend 3-one hour classes, and get to act as irresponsible as we want and just be referred to as acting like a "college student"?! While our number one priority is getting an education (don't worry mom!) our number two priority is making memories that will last forever! As I am finishing up my second year as a college student I have already made a million memories and am more than excited for the next two years of "the best years of my life" to make a million more!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever" 

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens."
--Kahlil Gibran

Sunday, April 10, 2011

volleyball volleyball volleyball

Well, I have to admit that I kind of forgot I had a blog. It feels like forever since I have blogged! So here's a little recap of what has gone on in the fabulous life of Julianne Pisano in the past month....

Spring volleyball is in full force! We have had three play dates with a bunch of different schools. Working hard to get rid of all the cobwebs that we've acquired over the winter. So far so good! Besides batteling some injuries, the team is looking better than ever! We have one final tournament this weekend here at the Abbey and then we'll be preparing all summer for the fall.

As for the injuries...my best friend and roommate, Angela, has a torn labrum (something in her arm) and is getting surgery to fix it on Tuesday :( It will be a little bit of a recovery time, but we are all praying that she will recover quick and be back for the fall. As for the next few weeks...I will be her personal assistant! :) It's going to be hard living life with one arm for a few weeks; I'm her go to girl!

I apologize that my life only consists of volleyball events, but this will be the last one! I promise! Our volleyball team has been busy planning and fundraising for a mission trip to Nicagaura for this summer. We will be there for 7 days and will have the opportunity to work with special children and play the Nicagaura national volleyball team. It is going to be such a great experience! If you want to support us on this trip donations are accepted!! Email me and I will let you know of all the info. Of course keeping us in your prayers is a great donation as well!

Besides volleyball, I go to school. Only 12 more days of classes and 3 finals stand in the way of me and SUMMER! It is going by extremely fast and it's a hard task to stay on top of my school work when I would much rather sit outside in the beautiful weather watching a baseball game. Or just soaking up some sun! But I will be very happy when it is finally summer and the livin' is easy!

While a day in the life of Julianne Pisano is nothing to brag about, I have the best time of my life because of all of my great friends! Having the ability to make a normal sunday night into the funniest and most entertaining night ever is a true gift. God has truely blessed me with the best friends I could ever ask for.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Greenville, NC Welcomes the Pisano Family!

Once again, my family has moved!  One of my friends at school asked me if I was an "Army Brat" because of how much my family moves.  I politely said no and explained to them my parents are now empty nesters and are just trying to find the right tree to keep their nest at! So, next stop....Greenville, NC. The home of Eastern Carolina University (ECU) the #4 party school in the nation. They have a pretty good reputation!

My parents have been here since the end of January and because of school and volleyball and such my first time visiting was this past week. While my drive up here was anything but enjoyable (traffic jams to the maxxxx!) I was pleasently surprised with our house and our cute little neighborhood! Much different than the retirement community we used to live in Anderson when the average age was at least 55, our new neighborhood is very nice and there's actually kids who play outside! It reminds me a lot of Lawrence Park (the best neighborhood on the planet!). Below are a few pictures of our house. Bear with us...we're still furnishing!

From the Outside...

Living Room/Dining Room

T.V. Room/Office Area

My Bedroom!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Winter Blues

I am going to begin this blog by saying how very bad I feel for my fellow Erie-ites. I see the weather forcast there daily and I must say I'm not missing the snow! My best advice i can give, MOVE SOUTH! :)

We all know the months of Janurary and February are the longest months ever! The final months of winter and the long stretch during school with no breaks.  It's torture. I have been especially feeling these tortuous times the past few weeks with school. Being that my teachers are oh so nice, they of course are on the same testing schedule...wonderful!  Besides living in the library and having study sessions with multiple different people trying to combine our knowledge and squeak out a decent grade, my volleyball team has finally started practice for our spring season! YAYYYY!! Something to keep my mind off studying! Let me tell you, those two short hours on the court are a little slice of heaven; nothing else matters except for the 30x30 and the 16 girls surrounding me. It's perfection!

While school has been anything but enjoyable I must give a shout-out to the North Carolina weather. YOU ROCK!  Last week we were experiencing 75-80 degree weather, this week we have 60-70 degree weather. And the sun, something i'm not used to seeing being from Erie, is fabulous. How can you stress when it's so beautiful outside, right?

I am experiencing a little feeling of releif being that I have taken my three tests this week and I only have one homework assignment left to complete until it is officially spring break!  The week I have been looking forward to since, ummmm...christmas break?  Almost halfway through college! Scary, but so very exciting. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that I am almost 20 years old and an adult?? whatttttttt? not possible! I'm sure my perfect mother is thinking the same thing! Her little baby is growing up :)

Spring is almost here! Hang in there everyone! :)
Here's some cheesy inspiration to get you through the week.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Perfectly Inspired

While it may be hard for the outside world to understand, a LOT goes on in a single week in Suite 107 at Belmont Abbey. In particular a lot has gone on this past week between me and my best friends, who also happen to be my roommates.  We have had moments of pure joy and craziness (if you have ever hung out with us for more than five minutes you have probably been a witness to our crazy acts) and we have also had moments of pure dissappointment and upset.  We have laughed, screamed, cried, and sarcastically told eachother the perfect and awful happenings of our week in real time.  During a certain midnight discussion one night us girls realized that we were not being treated by those humans of the opposite sex in the way that we deserve.  Through us ranting and screaming and crying and being depressed we realized that we clearly have the wisdom to treat a women in the way in which they not only desire, but deserve. We also realized that we were being selfish for not sharing this wisdom with the entire world! We figured the only way to do so was to start a blog. While our origional plan was to create a joint blog between the four most smart girls I know (Kayleigh, Jaime Lee, Angela, and myself) with an agenda including spelling out to the male population the proper way to treat us girls, we thought this would be a bit drastic and that maybe we should split off and each make our own blog to not only teach men how to treat women, but to also praise and be thankful for the many many gifts in our lives....no to mention, being a Business/Marketing major a good writing background doesn't hurt! Thus, here is my blog....  

Perfect, as far as you can tell....

I pride myself in being a happy-go-lucky 19 year old who attends a beautiful Catholic college in the sunny and warm south and has the opportunity to play the sport she loves everyday with the 17 best teammates a girl could ask for, while being surrounded by the most wholesome best friends and powerful supportive family of anyone I know. As everyone else, my life is not as perfect as it seems on the outside, but I try to my hardest for you not to realize anything different than a perfect life.

While I created and named this blog four days ago I haven't had the opportunity or inspiration to start blogging until I went to church this morning. As my favorite priest was on the alter speaking the words of the gospel, the final sentence stated, "So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect" Matthew 6:48.  Well, if this wasn't a sign to start blogging I am not sure what would be! In my opinion living perfect doesn't mean that you never make mistakes, it simply means that you strive to be perfect and to be thankful for each and every gift God has blessed you with.  It is unrealistic for us to be imperfect. Being perfect is about enjoying life, loving family, and making the best of every moment you have with your friends.  

Being perfect is having your chair in the cafeteria fall out from underneith you right after you brag about how you were too smart to go to preschool and you and your friends pee your pants from laughter and embarassment....ahhemmm, not that this happened to me tonight in the Caf in front of a bunch of people or anything... well, maybe it did. :) A perfect example of how my life is NOT perfect. But you'll never be able to say I don't make the best of it!