Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Technical Difficulities.

Blogspot didn't let me upload pictures of me and my German friend last here they are! :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My German Friend.

I've come down with a bit of a head cold. Since my head is filled with nasty things like boogies and mucus and all that good stuff I am in a state of writing block. So this will be pretty short...

I just got back home today from visiting my friend Dorothea who is taking summer classes at school. She is not only one of my good friends, but she will also be one of my roommates next year! YAYYYY!! She is from Munich, Germany and she is awesome! :) We had a great time this weekend going to the beach and having some quality girl time.

Today is also her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOROTHEA!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stumble! addict.

It's finally summer! The three months people wait all year for. I would be just as excited as the normal college student if I spent my summer in Erie, PA with all my high school friends, but instead I am in Greenville, NC. I don't know anyone that lives here except for my Aunt Betty and Uncle Bill. I love them, but they're no one to go to the beach with, or shop all day like an almost 20 year old should be doing. I am currently unemployed and pounding the pavement for any type of job I can get. The rest of my day is spent doing a Jillian Michael's workout video (she's awesomeeeee!), watching a lot of reality TV on garbage channels such as MTV, TLC, and Bravo, and my newest hobby, using Stumble Upon! 

In my stumble setting I have many things tagged as my interests. One of them is crafts. This has given me manyyyyy ideas for my apartment next year with Angela, Kayleigh, and Dorthea!! SOOOO EXCITEDDD!! :)) Another interest I have tagged is videos. I have never been much of a YouTube watcher, because frankly, I think most of the video's on there are stupid. But I have stumbled some VERY cute and funny videos these past days and I am here to share them with you! ENJOY :)

A very cute wedding proposal can be seen here....

And a very funny and cute baby can be seen here...

My blog posts are few and far between now a days, but this is because I do not have a lot going on here in Greenville, so in the next few weeks and I hopefully find a job and explore the city a little more, I will keep you posted!! But until then, I'll just share some useless crap I find on the internet. :)