Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Corn Hole is Complete!

Here it is! The finished product that is perfect for a back yard game, and also shows off our nationality proud! :) I hope this new set brings me luck and I can continue my corn hole domination! Bringggg ittttt onnnnnnnn!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Beach Preparations

In just five short days I will be living my life in a bathing suit and soaking up as many rays of sun as possible  (don't worry, i'll wear sunscreen!) all while not thinking about the real world and just living in the moment with 20 or so good friends and family. It will be perfection.

But before we can head two hours east and end up in Duck, North Carolina, a small town in the Outer Banks, there are many preparations to be done. First and most hard for myself, I need to pack. I am an overpacker. I will admit it! On any normal trip I take with my family my bag usually equals the size of the parents joint bag. I can't help it. I don't know what mood I'll be in, or what the weather will be, or what outfit will be appropriate for each occasion. I need my options! On this week long vacation I am really going to try my best to plan out what to pack and to not back my whole summer wardrobe for one week on the beach. I realize that my bathing suits will be my main attire for the seven days we are on vacation, so I am really going to try my hardest to keep my outfit choices to a minimum.

In other preparations: Corn Hole. My favorite backyard game! When we lived in Erie my dad made a corn hole set that was able to be folded up and perfect for travel. Unfortunately the game was not able to make the move to the south and we left the set with our family friends. Everyone knows that it's not a beach trip without corn hole, so my dad and I spent what seemed like all day saturday and sunday constructing and painting a beautiful new corn hole set. It was great father-daughter bonding time! I did a lot of watching, and provided great moral support. Dad did let me try out a few of the power tools, but after a few minutes he realized that he could complete the job in a much more timely manner. Although my duties in the assembly of corn hole were not obvious to the eye, I was right there with my dad sweating our buts off in the sweltering heat of Greenville, NC, making multiple trip to the various hardware stores, and jamming music from my car for the whole neighborhood to hear to keep us entertained! With just a few final touches to the Italian paint theme, our master pieces will be complete and ready to be enjoyed on our vacation.

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Constant State of Being Sore

Summer workouts, fall season, off season conditioning, spring season. My collegiate volleyball career seems to always keep me in a constant state of being sore. Most of this is thanks to my wonderful coach who I love, but who also always changes our workouts every Monday. While this is great for getting my body into tip-top shape, it's killerrrrr for my muscles. I always seems to be sore! For example, our summer volleyball workouts started this week and I was expecting to be a little sore since for the first week of summer I was having fun and doing workout video's rather than hitting the weights hard. My soreness exceeded my expectations! The day after my first official workout I could barely sit down on the toilet! It was rough; and, I know that this soreness will only continue for the next two years of my life...and I wouldn't have it any other way!

While being sore is at times annoying, it also gives me a secret feeling of accomplishment. I know that I worked hard in the gym the day before, and while my body might not be able to be pushed as hard today as it was yesterday, I know I'm working all the right muscles and will soon see the results of that! What would be scary is the day that I do a workout and am not sore after accomplishing it. That only means that I did not push myself as hard as I should have!

All the sweat (lotssss of it!), all the sore muscles, and all the days that I would have much rather spent laying in bed rather than dragging myself to the gym is all for my love of volleyball. I am very blessed to have had the opportunity to play the sport I fell in love with in the 7th grade still, now at age 20. While my mother says I should focus more on school work (I got all A's this semester, by the way! she has no reason to worry..) my true passion in life is playing volleyball for the Belmont Abbey College Crusaders. My teammates are some of the best girls I have ever met in my life and they have become my true sisters. Every time my body is screaming at me to quit and I have thoughts of just skipping out on a few sets I think of all 17 of my sisters and I know that they are pushing themselves just as hard as I am pushing myself. We all have a common goal and work as hard as we can to be in the best shape to accomplish it come fall. I can't thank them enough for being the pushing force I need when all I fee like is a giant blob of nothingness.
I cannot explain my excitement for this next season in any other way then this......AHHHHHHEKKKKKYAYYYYEKAOWA[FOIEJAF JEIOA[WORIJMVJFIEOPOUHNVGHREO[FJIOOOO!!!!!!!! Yes, I am VERY excited! :)

The Juniors <3 My Instant Best Friends!

My Ultimate Support System

(Please excuse the awkward garden backgrounds...my coach is an art major, she doesn't prefer the normal gym or volleyball net background, thus the garden! :) )